Official BMW CLUB Drive to Singapore with Visit to F1 Paddock

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this trip really tested my old folk still can travel so i have more confident with it...
climenta;451032 said:
Quah, your son certainly knows how to capture the moment man:D

Anyway, it was good times down south. Congrats to the committee & everyone else involved in the planning & execution of the drive on a job well done. Many 1st time convoy drivers but everything turned out well. Next target would be to equip all drivers with walkies or at least a nice walking Johnnie:top:

I'd also like to express my sincere gratitude to all of those who helped to jump me ride, thanks to you I'm back home without significant delay. Next HH we will go n dlink:wink:

Told him about it. He was shock the "uncle" know he took the photos. All those photos are taken by him.
Just wondering if anyone was tax by M'sian Customs for item bought in SG when coming back to M'sia. It was good event only that I feel the Clarke Quay places is not as happening in M'sia:listen:
initialM;451363 said:
Just wondering if anyone was tax by M'sian Customs for item bought in SG when coming back to M'sia. It was good event only that I feel the Clarke Quay places is not as happening in M'sia:listen:

In the group of cars I was in when returning to Malaysia, we just waved through by Malaysian Customs...
Same here... just wave through.. my boot is stuffed with lady's shoes.. :p
astroboy;451431 said:
Same here... just wave through.. my boot is stuffed with lady's shoes.. :me too, went through without checking with ladies stuffs & 2 pcs brand new 19" tyre.
mummygohan;451516 said:
astroboy;451431 said:
Same here... just wave through.. my boot is stuffed with lady's shoes.. :me too, went through without checking with ladies stuffs & 2 pcs brand new 19" tyre.

Wah u guys very terror wan, even I myself never buy tyre there.
Glad u guys happy:love:
astroboy;451431 said:
Same here... just wave through.. my boot is stuffed with lady's shoes.. :p

mummygohan;451516 said:
me too, went through without checking with ladies stuffs & 2 pcs brand new 19" tyre.

Someone also waved at the Custom Officer too and passed by with ladies stuff & some ladies "toys" bought at House of Sex in Orchard Road.

Wanna know who...? LOL....
BlackE90;451540 said:
Someone also waved at the Custom Officer too and passed by with ladies stuff & some ladies "toys" bought at House of Sex in Orchard Road.

Wanna know who...? LOL....

No need la, we can guess it must be you, the horny b@stard:D
:listen:climenta, I also went through d customs without stopping MAYBE helping someone bring a "mobility kit" (because he tumpang ur car on the way in) from d Orchard road toy shop. I saw him test the texture with his finger @ d shop. LOL
initialM;451363 said:
Just wondering if anyone was tax by M'sian Customs for item bought in SG when coming back to M'sia. It was good event only that I feel the Clarke Quay places is not as happening in M'sia:listen:

Pasal diaorang tak pergi tempat I recommend...
climenta;451564 said:
No need la, we can guess it must be you, the horny b@stard:D

udm68;451649 said:
:listen:climenta, I also went through d customs without stopping MAYBE helping someone bring a "mobility kit" (because he tumpang ur car on the way in) from d Orchard road toy shop. I saw him test the texture with his finger @ d shop. LOL

It wasn't me....

climenta, climenta, climenta & climenta...
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