Cars from UK using student AP

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Squarewheel;617368 said:
ciklee, not really a rumours anymore, I called MITI last week and they confirmed that there are currently quite a number of cases caught due to not meeting the min 9 months ownership....and they are well aware about the backdate tactic. Even though u can get the seller to backdate the buying date, MITI will only look at the "processing date" by DVLA (UK). Hence, u can ask the seller to backdate for months but what matters is the duration from DVLA's processing date to our boarding pass date.

I'm planning to bring back my e60 in september, have to defer my flight by 4 days to exactly meet the 9 months requirement. This is bcoz of the long christmas break and new year in UK last year which affect the processing turnaround time. Dun want to go up and down MITI building for appeal.


hi squarewheel,

thanks for the information. looks like there's no way to circumvent the 9-months rule then, unless you got kaki at DVLA :p btw, which e60 model you bought? i'm thinking of buying one soon but wasn't sure which one to get.
jarance;617378 said:
I think the ownership period include the transportation time. So if you own it for 6 months and it take 3 months to ship the car here then there should be no problem.
Sometimes you can stored the car in a warehouse until the ownership period have reached.

My conversation with MITI had given me an unfavorable answer though. They clearly mentioned not shipping arrival date, its our boarding date. Which make sense because my friend's buddy went back to Malaysia in December 2010 (his car arrived a month later) and he intentionally delay his application to meet the 9 month requirement, but he's still struggling with MITI's approval. His merc has been collecting dust in Port Klang for 2 months now.

I hope haywire could give us a favorable answer on us here bro..
ciklee;617631 said:
hi squarewheel,

thanks for the information. looks like there's no way to circumvent the 9-months rule then, unless you got kaki at DVLA :p btw, which e60 model you bought? i'm thinking of buying one soon but wasn't sure which one to get.

Hi ciklee, I've "reward" myself with a 2004 SE 525i, can't afford the mSport though. There r a lot of choices in autotrader, I got so pening in choosing last time... happy shopping bro.
525i SE still a good choice i reckon. I'm most probably gonna go down the diesel path, maybe a 525d? But still unsure on what are the things to do after shipping the car home. Plus, I've never own a diesel before so wasn't sure if it is a good idea to start learning about diesel on an E60. If things go wrong, i bet they'll go wrong real bad ;p

i was wondering though. what if you bought the car like 1 year ago, then you move house. if you request a new v5 from dvla to update your new address, would that mean the "ownership-clock" get reset back to 0?
ownership period wont change, only the address. make sure you only fill the address part in the form, and dont fill your name in the name box.

I did this with my old car when i moved home, they didnt check the current owner name and treated the form as a ownership transfer with new address. When I got the V5 form back, I was the current owner AND the previous owner.

Sent them a letter to complain though and DVLA reverted back with a new V5.
haywire;618057 said:
ownership period wont change, only the address. make sure you only fill the address part in the form, and dont fill your name in the name box.

I did this with my old car when i moved home, they didnt check the current owner name and treated the form as a ownership transfer with new address. When I got the V5 form back, I was the current owner AND the previous owner.

Sent them a letter to complain though and DVLA reverted back with a new V5.

Hi Haywire,

I think you misunderstood my question.

As you know, we need to legally own the car for a minimum of 9 months in the UK before we're eligible for student AP. According to squarewheel, this 9 months are calculated being the difference between our boarding pass date and the last V5 issuance date by DVLA. The V5 issuance date is different from the date we bought the car. Example, if you buy the car on 1st Jan 2011, the V5 issuance date could be 15th Jan 2011 while the vehicle acquired date printed on the V5 would still be 1st Jan 2011. This difference is due to delays by previous owner in sending the ownership change notice as well as processing time of the new V5 by DVLA. So, if you timed your flight say 2nd Sept 2011 thinking you have met the 9-months rule, guess what? You're still short of two weeks and I think this is why squarewheel had to delay his flight. You can check the V5 issuance date from this website You'll need the car registration number and V5 reference number. I think this is where MITI does their checks as well.

Now, if you reschedule your flight to 16th Sept 2011, then you would be fine. My question is if you then move house, say in 1st April 2011, and you request a new V5 to update your address, the last V5 issuance date would then be the date your new V5 is issued i.e. some time in April. Since you're flying back on 16 Sept, then your ownership period (as far as MITI is concerned) is no longer 9 months since the last V5 issuance date is in April. This is what i mean by the ownership-clock got reset. However, i'm not 100% sure. Maybe you could bring this up with MITI officers when you meet them on Monday?
i understand you perfectly fine. as legal terms is concerned, ownership period is the date you declare to them, not the date of V5 issue. that declaration of date is where you take responsibility of the car. i dont think V5 issuance date plays any part here. its not logical, as per your example above regarding moving house.

we'll see how it goes with my wife's AP application, as far as I know its not even under her name at all in the UK. Its just done with reprinted documents only.
fyi, i bought my car in february 2010 process the v5 in March, shipped the car in july, car arrived in Msia August, got back in september, apply AP and passed in October 2010. Backdated the ownership to 2008 (agent done this) to get maximum 35% off from the import tax.

AP passed with no issue. Period of ownership as far as DVLA is concerned is less than 9 months, whether the declaration date or the V5 issuance date
ciklee, you are sooo right. That what was really happened to me. I bought my car end-Oct 2010, but no news of the V5 after 2 months until new year. I called DVLA and they requested me to confirm the address they have in their record, which I noticed that they do not have my university name. They then asked me whether do I want to include the Uni name? which I obviously said yes to make sure that the V5 gonna really reach me. Guess what ... the processing date by DVLA printed on my V5 (i received a week later) is the date I called them up...(it was reset due to additional/change of address line) that's why I'm facing this issue of ownership now.. and the problem is, does MITI aware that the DVLA date will be "reset" due to change/alteration of address?..sigh... again.. hope haywire could tell us good news soon...
Actually, dont put your hopes up too high on me, I dont think I want to ask them about ownership dates etc when Im submitting my own backdated documents. Sort of give them a doubt about my own application. Better just go, submit my application and leave, not giving too much information.
Better just wait for the result of the AP, it is self explanatory. if its passed then the rumours are crap, because my wife isnt on DVLA system at all.
yes, better don't be suspicious ;p. good luck on your application haywire. btw, how soon do you know the AP result? do they call/email/send letter/etc?
ciklee;618978 said:
yes, better don't be suspicious ;p. good luck on your application haywire. btw, how soon do you know the AP result? do they call/email/send letter/etc?

yeah best of luck bro,....their client charter of seven working days, i guess...

Would appreciate if you could introduce yourself in the Newbies section..

Thank you.

Cheers :)
Why have to go through all these troubles to get cheaper price for a car? Just vote out the current government in the coming election!!
kwwong99;621216 said:
Why have to go through all these troubles to get cheaper price for a car? Just vote out the current government in the coming election!!

I dont think whoever leads the new government will be able to remove the AP system easily even if they wanted to. You can talk, implementation is another thing.
Didn't the current government rescinded on their promise to implement AFTA from 2005 to 2010 and then to 2015? I can assure that this will be extended perpetually to satisfy a few automobile cronies (you know who - if you don't, ask me!!) if the current government is reelected. In return, we get inflated car prices for imported cars and low quality local cars. Please remember that majority of Malaysians are buying low quality local made cars and these have translated into higher death count in road accidents year after year. Who is to blame if not the current government?

I am not just talking - I am walking the talk by voting out the current government in the coming election. I believe the next government will listen to the rakyat. I hope you will do the same as well. Every vote counts!!

If you want to talk about AFTA, car prices and any other car related stuffs, it is fine. BUT please do not bring politics into this forum. Please respect our Forum Rules & Regulations.

Don't you think our automobile policy and politics are intertwined? Nevertheless, I will respect your view if you think I have violated this forum rules and regulations.
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