The New Subaru Impreza and BMW

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Club Guest
Jan 15, 2011
Subaru or Surabu? BM or BLM? hehe, the owner must has great fantasy of those rides..
The Saga BLM is very versatile... hahah.. Saga BLM Subaru Ver9 is quite common lah... Have even seen one made to look like an Audi...
Nice shots. Quite creative in that they actually can imagine the use of the Saga as their base model for the mods.

Is it just me or does the BMW Saga overall effect makes it look like a pig's face... :p
=.= with all that money making those bodykits why not deposit for a bmw
thats why i choose a car that don't have to disguise it self to be known.even for a national car..where is the pride when trying to be something else that u r not. be ur self..identity crisis to the max..
Apiz;620937 said:
=.= with all that money making those bodykits why not deposit for a bmw

people always says...they afford to buy a BMW but can't afford to maintain hehehehe, tht what i hear lohhhhh
subaru car is quite elegant.. and the BM look so round. Subaru focuses more on sports car. But they still have they subaru parts with high quality.
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