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clavenk said:
redhybrid: get someone to check on your solenoid. I got some advice from some workshop, they say try open all the solenoid and clean it properly then reinstall back. It will probably helps. I didnt get the chance to try it. So far u are the 3rd car having the same problem. myself, bimmer and you for now.
Im on torque converter auto for 3 yrs now... intended to convert the GB to manual but the 'expert' say he couldnt do it... and instead recommended to go for either GB replacement manual or full auto. And out of panic, I didnt clarify enough to know if the quoted is GM or ZF... n now 325 running on GM, climb up genting feel like shit.

Hmmm... i dont know if any shop knows how to get the solenoid cleaning done. They are all seems expert during TT - talk like they know everything, send the car to the shop, oh yeah... not so much.
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