request permission to start a new thread on GB

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Club Guest
Apr 6, 2005
Hi there,I would like to start a new tread for Group Buy - custom fitted sunshades for E36.Cadmus offered if there is a MOQ of 20 sets.Cheers!Regards,Beng Huat @ 8080pbmw

Thank you for your interest to start a Group buy. To enable the Committee to grant you approval, please read the guidelines below. Kindly email to providing the relevant details and information as stipulated in 2.3 and 2.4 below.

2. Group Buys section – Guidelines

2.1 Group buys are buys in which more than one person is participating in the same order to receive discounts and/or lower shipping fees.

2.2 Organizer(s) of Group buy can be OM or CG or both.

2.3 Organizer(s) are required to obtain the Committee’s prior approval before a Group Buy posting can be posted in the forum and the Organizer(s) are required to proved to the Committee his/her/their full name, photocopy of NRIC, contact number and brief item / product description.

2.4 All Group Buys posting on a particular item or products shall need to clearly state the following information:

(1) A detailed description and photographs of item being offered.
(2) Price and delivery time.
(3) Payment instructions.
(4) Start & End date of Group Buy.
(5) Where, When and How to pickup the item.
(6) Discount offered (ie how much cheaper is it than buying on one’s ownself)
(7) Shipping & customs import duties & taxes (if any)

2.5 The general Disclaimer clauses still applies.
Dear Herbert,

Good work man on these requirement on any party that is trading on this forum. It definately prevent any unwanted incident and protect the interest of the member/forumer.

Anyway, Cadmus / Andy has started the GB on his Vendor section for the sunshades for E36.


Beng Huat @ 8080pbmw

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