Procedures for transfer of ownership

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Club Guest
Dec 8, 2004
If I were to purchase a 2nd hand vehicle from the owner directly, what are the procedures and relevant forms that are required to get the said vehicle properly transfered to me? Would appreciate if you could provide a step-by-step run down on those, including the name/code of the relevant JPJ transfer forms. What about Puspakom inspection? Is this necessary and if yes, what are the procedures? Sorry for asking as I have never done this before and have absolutely no idea.Thanks in advance.
Cash buy or financing? If financing, most of the process will carried out by the finance and done by their runner except for the Puspakom test.
Cant remember the JPJ form but you definite need to have the Puspakom inspection.

For Puspakom inspection, you just need to bring the original Car Grant for the inspection.
Just go to Puspakom and say you want to inspect the car for ownership transfer and they give
you the form to fill. Pay for it after filling and wait for your name or vehicle to be called.

Puspakom will most probably tear your tint if they dont pass their test or stick a nice sticker on the
windscreen if they do.

I think the validity of the inspection is about one month from the date of inspection. Usually, this inspection
is paid by the seller. If there any delay in the bank application, then you paid for the 2nd time inspection.

Cedric, first time buy car???? LOL
Puspakom - B5 form, test for name change, JPJ - K3 form for transfer of ownership.
RM200 is all it takes. Pay the money to the runner for his services irrespective of whether it is a private or dealer. purchase and he'll do everything including getting the forms and taking the car for Puspakom inspection. He will also time it such that it is within the Puspakom certificate 30 day validity.

P.S. This is on top of all the other fees and charges.
saat;615583 said:
RM200 is all it takes. Pay the money to the runner for his services irrespective of whether it is a private or dealer. purchase and he'll do everything including getting the forms and taking the car for Puspakom inspection. He will also time it such that it is within the Puspakom certificate 30 day validity.

P.S. This is on top of all the other fees and charges.

Seconded. Unless you want to go through the hassle. Doing it yourself, Puspakom - 30, JPJ - 100.
Make sure prepare a letter to be signed by both party specifying who shall bear what liability and up to what date and time, and time the handover. You don't want cops hunting you down for outstanding summons before the handover or worse still, the car is involved in bank robbery or murder cases. If CBU car, try to check for custom papers and verify the duty paid.. finance company won't do the check for u because if car kena tarik by Kastam, finance company can still legally recover their loan by continue to collect from u.
saat;615583 said:
RM200 is all it takes. Pay the money to the runner for his services irrespective of whether it is a private or dealer. purchase and he'll do everything including getting the forms and taking the car for Puspakom inspection. He will also time it such that it is within the Puspakom certificate 30 day validity.

P.S. This is on top of all the other fees and charges.

That's an idea, thanks... Btw, do you have the contact of a reliable "runner" to do these?
This is cut and paste from my posting in another thread:

For the insurance, you must get that first (otherwise JPJ will not transfer ownership). If you cannot transfer (blacklist/stolen car/whatever), the insurance company will cancel the cover note and refund you (note: according to the insurance company call centre person over the phone. Don't know if it will be so easy in real life).

For the ownership transfer, if your are doing it yourself, suggest you do it at the Wangsa Maju JPJ. They accept the CTC of the seller's IC and don't need him/her to be present. The JPJ branch at Maju Junction on the other hand insist on the seller being there as well (found out when I went there and the guard who issues queue numbers told me that there was no point giving me one since the counter staff wouldn't entertain me if the seller wasn't there. The Commisioner of Oaths just outside also told me the same thing).

You could get a runner to do it for you , but doing it yourself at JPJ Wangsa Maju is easy and you can save RM250 by not having to pay the runner (I went on a Friday at 11.30 am, was walking out with my name on the registration card by 11.55 am. This includes waiting time for my queue number to be called).

List of forms you need:

JPJK3 - (the transfer form) - 2 copies
TM-AB - (the form for photocopy of IC, buyer and seller, must be certified)
TM1 - checklist
Original Registration Card
Original Puspakom Inspection Certificate
RM100 processing fee (supposed to be in bank draft/postal order but I think they accept cash as well)
Insurance Cover note (strictly speaking, not necessary since the JPJ officer will check online whether you have insurance under your name, but good to have just in case)
please also remember...

like what Jarance mentioned... if your car tint fails...
bare in mind yea.. all the windows have already a small % of tint or something like that

you have 2 options.
1) Tear it on the spot
- they will give you time to tear and dont need to Q again.
- you will be able to get your JPJ sticker and the LULUS paper.

2) Take your car out and get someone to do it for you.
- you have to go again to have it inspected. another 30 bucks
- next time you go you have to go see the officer first. cause the car is blacklisted.
- Q up and go through the same old thing again.

i know this because of my 3M tint on the previous car and i did option 2. so, learn from experience :D
You could also do everything remotely (i.e. by post)

I did this in my case, for transfer of reg, as well as number plate interchange. As long as you have all the documents in order and correct, just courier them to the right JPJ address and they respond within 2 working days (at least in my case they did. Big thumbs up for JPJ Perlis). Saves all the wasted time queueing up.

Going another step further, pay Puspakom RM100, and they'll come to your home/office and do the inspection there. Service with a smile :)
i know this is an old thread a bit, but i was wondering whether i can transfer the car at the same day.

i wanted to ask whether i can get a new insurance for the new owner as well as issue the road tax for him from the POS, then go to JPJ and do all the required procedures.

please help me out
Aimar;747827 said:
i know this is an old thread a bit, but i was wondering whether i can transfer the car at the same day.

i wanted to ask whether i can get a new insurance for the new owner as well as issue the road tax for him from the POS, then go to JPJ and do all the required procedures.

please help me out

Based on my experience,prior to transfer of ownership you should already have the puspakom LULUS certificate.once you have that i think it can be done on the same need to go POS,many insurance agent at JPJ offices standbying online with their laptop at your service.
thanks for your answer, so what you mean is i can get the everything done just right there at JPJ. insurance, road tax, and change of ownership?

i am sorry its just that im a foreigner here and I do not know quiet much about the procedures here.

and im able to get the puspakom lulus certificate which is the inspection at JPJ, i mean they have a section for that to take my car too?

appreciate your help
hi noob here..
just bought an old bmw car recently.
but not sure the current status of the owner in the pink slip.
any idea how i can transfer the ownership of the car to my name?
i have the original owner photostat ic, the car engine has been converted
if you can provide me an reliable runner for this..much appreciated..

thanks all
kyree;762349 said:
hi noob here..
just bought an old bmw car recently.
but not sure the current status of the owner in the pink slip.
any idea how i can transfer the ownership of the car to my name?
i have the original owner photostat ic, the car engine has been converted
if you can provide me an reliable runner for this..much appreciated..

thanks all
cedit to SEM5241 this is his write up
List of forms you need:
JPJK3 - (the transfer form) - 2 copies
TM-AB - (the form for photocopy of IC, buyer and seller, must be certified)
TM1 - checklist
Original Registration Card
Original Puspakom Inspection Certificate
RM100 processing fee (supposed to be in bank draft/postal order but I think they accept cash as well)
Insurance Cover note (strictly speaking, not necessary since the JPJ officer will check online whether you have insurance under your name, but good to have just in case)

1.First you have to go to JPJ and get the inspection done, it will cost you rm40, it it passes their test u will be issued with a cert, I think its red in color.
2.Fill the forms mentioned JPJ-K3, forms can be obtained free of charge from any JPJ outlet, just say u want to transfer the vehicle.
3. If the seller is not available to come along, u need the his photocopy IC verified by the commisioner of oaths.
4. You need to have the Insurance coverage in your name, 1st party very straight forward. 3rd party cannot be bought immeditely, the agent will hav eth get approval fist and the amount is subjective.
5. Once you have 1,2,3,4 ready the transfer process will only take less than half hour to get it transfered to your name .

If you are still in doubt and need my help u can PM me.
but the problem is i'm afraid JPJ need the owner to be there for the change of ownership process
i also want to endorse my engine if possible
kyree;763786 said:
but the problem is i'm afraid JPJ need the owner to be there for the change of ownership process

commissioner of oaths can assist on this.. but the current owner must not be deceased, that would be illegal.
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