Private Track Day 10 August 2009

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pergh...the blue coupe passed by and never to be seen....damn terror the driver!!!
E46F, yah i saw it all happen in my rearview! i was kinda worried for u guys when i saw the RX8 lose it but glad that nothing untoward happened.

as for the body roll, i dont really feel it in the car but looking at the vid it does look like the car rolls a lot! i think she needs a thicker rear ARB. should help the balance, too, cos she understeers like a pig as im sure u noticed during ur ride. :)

Ya Redd. I was in your car and the roll didn't seem extreme at all in car. If I am not mistaken your suspension is 100% stock! Very impressive. Must be all skills then :D
The fish tailing damn scary.. but not bad, he manage to catch the "fish".. :D

He's overtaking on the inner lane which leaves not much space for him to take the corner, an early counter would probably help avoid the fish tail.

Hehe... talk is easy.. :p

RX8 really no DSC meh? Altis also got la.. :p
hey mr. prez - car shiny cause a lot of late nites at bamboo!!... always shine it after drinking :)

E46F.... goodjob on the video!...

shaifulo;445283 said:
pergh...the blue coupe passed by and never to be seen....damn terror the driver!!!

Yup..he passed me with fire spitting out the rear end as if I was standing still!! Tried to give chase down the backstraight but he simply disappeared out of view.

Knowing Eric it's probably modded left right and centre. Summore he's quite a fierce driver and can drive round Sepang blind folded.
Need to learn the track on the PS3 before I go for the next trackday..or be left in the dust again.
Spaceman;445341 said:
wow...FJ cool video footage! Would an E90 fishtail like RX8 with DSC on..?

For us novice drivers around Sepang I really liked the DSC. Its amazing, cos when you should be understeering when you bulldoze through the tight turns you can feel the DSC grabbing the rear brakes, left, right, left and then you don't understeer out. Very little drama and the car is always settled and composed even when you push it pretty hard. There was a black Evo behind me and on the tight turn 9, I braked quite late, swung the car, DSC grabbing the brakes and the car stuck to its line. The Mitsu Evo behind me understeered into the grass and had a bumpy ride out. In some sense it seems "boring" with less sliding but it follows the lines so well where you want to take the car even on the traction limits. David Yong was driving with DTC and bald rear tyres so his probably had a bit more excitement behind the wheel. Our cars also don't have much torque and power and since its auto, power delivery is not as abrupt compared to say M or high powered manual cars, so even powering out of corners you don't really feel the DSC interfering hard. I am sure its more "potong stim" for cars with a lot more torque and power.

In this track day, the E90 325i is slow compared to the cars on the track (plus we were novice drivers compared to most of the regular trackers). I think we were probably averaging 3:05 - 3:10 mins lap times, while guys like Redd was prob pulling low 2:50's. Walrus Lord was doing about 3 mins flat based on the video. There was one session, me, Walrus lord and DY went out together, and the E46 330ci is definitely faster on the straights. He was tailing me for most part of the lap, and started passing me on the back straight, then I braked later, he tucked in behind, and on the front straight, the 330i pulled up again and passed me in full glory. DY started behind me and Mike was tailing us and went into the pits after the 2nd lap cos his car started overheating already. So he was also driving pretty hard... but he also had a hot company in the car with him :D
Hi guys,I'm among the photographer during Track Day.Some contribution from me..:top:
First of all, thanks to all for such a great day. Sorry to anyone whose i slowed you guys on that day as i was a track virgin. :wink: Talking about switching the DSC to off.. Wohooo... Tried it for few laps, but i think its best just to leave it on, and dont quit my day job to be a race driver..

Looking at how fast the Minis on the track, reminds me on an episode in BBC Top Gear where the they show the history of BTCC and how the original Minis race against the V8s..Pesky little Brits.. Got to find the extra moolah to get one..:stupid:
Yeah most of the time I was driving with the DTC and I must say it is more "shiok". I spun out once at turn 9 due to understeered. I really push my car hard. Well... afterall this is the only time and place that we can safely do so with our car right. Our e90s are slow but handling wise is not bad at all. When Albundy was driving my car, he managed to keep up with most of the cars when come to every corner. We only lose out on the straight. I can feel there is so much difference in power comparing mine with his mighty M3 :top:
Did any of you E90 fellas bring spare tyre ka? :p If tyre puncit or pecah lio how?! :p :D

Can pinjam from E46 spare for emergency ka? Dunno can fit or not hor?!

* I know I worry too much.. :(
astroboy;445384 said:
Did any of you E90 fellas bring spare tyre ka? :p If tyre puncit or pecah lio how?! :p :D

Can pinjam from E46 spare for emergency ka? Dunno can fit or not hor?!

* I know I worry too much.. :(

normal drive only mah, how you puncture tyres lah??
U should have come and kepoh, then you're realize it's not as bad as you think...
fabianyee;445389 said:
normal drive only mah, how you puncture tyres lah??
U should have come and kepoh, then you're realize it's not as bad as you think...

I only receive a text message ask me to deliver 100+.. :p and my part of town Shah Alam was raining that afternoon... so lazy to leave the office..
E46Fanatic;445343 said:
There was one session, me, Walrus lord and DY went out together, and the E46 330ci is definitely faster on the straights. He was tailing me for most part of the lap, and started passing me on the back straight, then I braked later, he tucked in behind, and on the front straight, the 330i pulled up again and passed me in full glory. DY started behind me and Mike was tailing us and went into the pits after the 2nd lap cos his car started overheating already. So he was also driving pretty hard... but he also had a hot company in the car with him :D

e46f, your car wasnt that bad lah - believe me...i had a bit more horses wat....:listen:
This is Tezza's video run on his 156! 3:02, prob done in the last 15 mins of track time. He takes the exact same funky line as Redd in Turn 14. Like Jedi and Padawan apprentice!
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