Pictures - Visit to BMW Assembly Plant - 2nd December 2011.

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dzuljazz2001;709475 said:
adoi bro armmar, my apologies for the very late reply ... sort of overlooked this thread :(:(:( .... btw, yes, I was at the plant visit the first time :top:

nvr mind..vp of coz many thgs to do...hoho i talk with vp now hehe.... oooo i was there and oredy see u la.. will share my pic later can call vintage photo dah...
dzuljazz2001;715739 said:
What you mean bro? Dont quite get you there :4:
Dato' i think he asked why not we include the visit to the latest BMW assembly plant in our program. Read from some article in the net, BMW plant in Germany had been upgraded/extended extensively to accommodate the latest assembly/manufacturing of the F30. Docrayboy had been there. May be we can organise but the charges will be around RM7k per pax...
morrogan;715776 said:
Dato' i think he asked why not we include the visit to the latest BMW assembly plant in our program. Read from some article in the net, BMW plant in Germany had been upgraded/extended extensively to accommodate the latest assembly/manufacturing of the F30. Docrayboy had been there. May be we can organise but the charges will be around RM7k per pax...

Thanks for the insight bro abramsonsmith and for the highlight bro morrogan .... :4: .... indeed an excellent idea, though I doubt many would respond positively to this. Will give this a thought and hv it discuss with the Committee soon.

Cheers :top:

abramsonsmith;715736 said:
Why you will not add latest BMW Assembly plant..
Exclusive from me.... to dzuljazz2001 and others

Thousands of pics from LVP Kulim... during BMW Club Malaysia visit 2010

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Hope this year i'll become one of visitor.. hehhe pic during visit.. here maybe they not allowed to snap pic...

dzuljazz are u on da pic?

I was with whom at that second picture from left... hehe for those in this pic maybe can tell me.. can know u better... enjoy it that day..

* oppss aiya this 2011 visit... actually want to put on 2010 thread..
Sadly I am not in the pic bro. There is T2, David Yong, Enkil, Rahizwan but not me. However if you go thru the group photo after the plant tour of 2010, I will be in the front left side squatting.
More of my pics can be seen during last year visit (2011) and also at the Patin Drive to Kuala Gandah, held early this year (2012).

armmar;715804 said:
Thousands of pics from LVP Kulim... during BMW Club Malaysia visit 2010

View attachment 22760View attachment 22761View attachment 22762View attachment 22763View attachment 22764View attachment 22765View attachment 22766

Hope this year i'll become one of visitor.. hehhe pic during visit.. here maybe they not allowed to snap pic...

dzuljazz are u on da pic?

I was with whom at that second picture from left... hehe for those in this pic maybe can tell me.. can know u better... enjoy it that day..

* oppss aiya this 2011 visit... actually want to put on 2010 thread..
hehe i though u r the one in 6th pic.. talk with ex-proton electrical team.. hehe

hoho patin drive... hope can join u soon... i dont have udm yet.. plan maybe may/june.. e46 325... after got advised frm initialM

*hehe ops oredy spotted u in annual dinner pic... the man in white coat
hehe i though u r the one in 6th pic.. talk with ex-proton electrical team.. hehe..

hoho patin drive... hope can join u soon... i dont have udm yet.. plan maybe may/june.. e46 325... after got advised frm initialM

*opss dzuljazz2001 kan vp.... of cos can see at annual dinner 2011.. nice to know u.. thx
armmar;715849 said:
hehe i though u r the one in 6th pic.. talk with ex-proton electrical team.. hehe..

hoho patin drive... hope can join u soon... i dont have udm yet.. plan maybe may/june.. e46 325... after got advised frm initialM

*opss dzuljazz2001 kan vp.... of cos can see at annual dinner 2011.. nice to know u.. thx

Likewise bro ...... :top:
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