List All Selling Price by 16th Feb 2013

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2009
Official Announcement to Club Vendors of BMW Club Malaysia
15 January 2013 Dear Club Vendors, We refer to the above matter. We wish draw to your attention that we have received many feedbacks and complaints from the Club’s forum users that the pricing of item(s) is / are not listed in your posting(s) thus requiring an interested party to contact you and / or send you a personal message to enquire about pricing. Our users find this quite cumbersome and as we have highlighted previously, we now require ALL Club Vendors to list down their pricing on all respective items for the benefit of all. We wish to stress that ALL Club Vendors are required to follow this directive and is given one (1) month from the date of this notice to comply with this price directive failing which we will not hesitate to suspend the Club Vendor’s account until compliance of the said directive. We hope that All Club Vendor shall be in compliance within the stipulated time frame given for the benefit of all. Thank you The Managing Committee BMW CLUB MALAYSIA
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