Hire Purchase Loans - Current Offers?

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used car interest rates...anybody knows what's the rate now...
Wonder if 2.65% for 9 years loan - recon car is fair at the moment?

p/s: on separate note, any bankers are welcome to contact me if you can match the rate stated above :)
what is the new car rate?
looking at buying a new car =))))))))))))))))))))))
my partner just got a 2010 730i from bmw. Loan amt 300k at 2.45% for 5 yrs.
Current 9-years loan rate for recond bmw that i obtained from the banks

Affin 2.55
Public 2.55 (2.53 - 7 years)
Hong Leong 2.90 (2.65 - 7 years)
Maybank 2.64 (2.62 - years)
AmBank No 9 years (3.7 - 7 years, 3.6 - 5 years)
digerati;692919 said:
Current 9-years loan rate for recond bmw that i obtained from the banks

Affin 2.55
Public 2.55 (2.53 - 7 years)
Hong Leong 2.90 (2.65 - 7 years)
Maybank 2.64 (2.62 - years)
AmBank No 9 years (3.7 - 7 years, 3.6 - 5 years)

Public bank, 2.65 3 years...
Just signed my loan with PBB yesterday...
2nd hand 7 yrs car...
3.5% 7 yrs loan...
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