Hi! Pls help me!

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This is a SPAM as you have posted many adverts in different section of forum.

Moderator, please ban this newbie.
This is what we call preempt attack because we suspect that you have WMD like SH.
I don't know what you're talking about.

Admin, please help me on this and do I need to be an official member to be eligible to post the ad?
What thing u are selling? Become OM just to post the ad? Nothing to share?
Hello Millioncars.my,

You posted a number of E60's for sale in recent days. You also commented on one of my threads, thanks.

However, pls note that the forum rules require you to have a minimum of 10 posts before you can put up items for sale etc, however yours are commercial in nature and are bound by a diff set of rules. You have breached this rule. Your posts for sale of the E60's looks like SPAM, thus the comments from our Official Members. I thought so too when I first saw your sale posts yesterday.

Pls liase with the Committee if you intend to remain in this forum and likewise contribute and not only sell barang.

Thanks - S
Got it! I just read the comment below the rules and it requires me to post at least 10 ads right?

Cool and I just introduced myself at the newbie section! :D

But, can you answer my question there? Thanks! Appreciate your reply!
millioncars.my;594559 said:
Got it! I just read the comment below the rules and it requires me to post at least 10 ads right?

Cool and I just introduced myself at the newbie section! :D

But, can you answer my question there? Thanks! Appreciate your reply!

Not 10 ads, but 10 posts. It is obvious that you have a commercial intent, and therefore it is best you wait for a Committee/Mod to respond or you proactively seek their counsel. Would appreciate if you stop posting ads and starting up new threads until this matter is resolved by the Committee/Moderator.

Thanks for your co-operation.

your posting rights to the classifieds section is not available as your account is still Newbie. Once you exceeded 25-postings, your account will be automatically upgraded to Club Guest and posting rights to the Classifieds section will be available. However, the classifieds section is only for private sale only which means you can only sell the items that belongs to you so it is normally one off kind of sale. Please read the rules in the classifieds section before you use it.

Based on the information available to us, we found that you are affiliated to the car selling portal www.millioncars.my and your affiliation to this company puts you in the special interest group and in this case your usage of the Classifieds section for such purpose/ activity is prohibited.

Thank you.

- The Moderator
t2ribena;594621 said:

your posting rights to the classifieds section is not available as your account is still Newbie. Once you exceeded 25-postings, your account will be automatically upgraded to Club Guest and posting rights to the Classifieds section will be available. However, the classifieds section is only for private sale only which means you can only sell the items that belongs to you so it is normally one off kind of sale. Please read the rules in the classifieds section before you use it.

Based on the information available to us, we found that you are affiliated to the car selling portal www.millioncars.my and your affiliation to this company puts you in the special interest group and in this case your usage of the Classifieds section for such purpose/ activity is prohibited.

Thank you.

- The Moderator

That's fine. Thank you...But I got bullied by others. :p

Respectfully, when you enter someones home you need to respect sikit. Given the benefit of doubt, you did not know the forum rules. Fine. VP has already clarified and has given you a decision. Thank you for respecting it. Wish you a good stay in BMWCM. Stay on long enough, contribute and make friends and am sure you will find this a great place to be.

All the best.
ssmann;594629 said:

Respectfully, when you enter someones home you need to respect sikit. Given the benefit of doubt, you did not know the forum rules. Fine. VP has already clarified and has given you a decision. Thank you for respecting it. Wish you a good stay in BMWCM. Stay on long enough, contribute and make friends and am sure you will find this a great place to be.

All the best.

Sure thing. Yup yup! Should learn from my mistakes! Btw, am I the youngest member here? I'm 22 now.
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