Doing a Number Plate Interchange : Need Advice

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Club Guest
Nov 29, 2009
Hi all and happy new year!Need advice from anyone who's done this before. I've just bought a new number plate for the car, and now need to do an interchange. As it stands, or what i understand is this:1. I've already bought a new number, RJ7735, from Perlis. It's been registered in my name and I have the receipt for it.2. I need to somehow dispose of the existing numberplate, WKU 5168. The obvious route, which I've looked into, is getting a bike shop to handle the whole lot. This means I give them the receipt and the puspakom receipt, and they transfer the number to a new bike etc etc. 3. They will then give me all the necessary documentation for me to submit, by myself, to JPJ Perils to finalise the transfer (apparently interchange has to be done at the native state).My big grumble with all this is paying some runner an exorbitant fee (RM1k to RM1.5k) to do all this (and end of the day I still have to submit to JPJ Perlis myself). What are my alternatives? Does it have to be a bike shop, or are there other options I can look at? Is there any way I can 'terminate' the WKU5168 number? Creative advice much much appreciated!
the new number must be registered to a new vehicle first, only then you can do a swap. the reason why ppl choose bike shop is, it is the cheapest option rather than buying a new car just for that number conversion.

and i don't think there's another solution for it. well i think so
The best (even though expensive) is to get the runner to do it for you..of course unless you have the time and know the 'procedure' to get it done yourself..

Just from my experience..
Iylia H;594369 said:
the new number must be registered to a new vehicle first, only then you can do a swap. the reason why ppl choose bike shop is, it is the cheapest option rather than buying a new car just for that number conversion.

and i don't think there's another solution for it. well i think so

Actually you can register your new number to your old car. You just need to transfer the old plate number to another vehicle (bike or car or lorry or bus) and register the new number to your car. My friend just transfered out his old plate 'JFK' to 'G1M' to his E36ci.
naharnms;594389 said:
The best (even though expensive) is to get the runner to do it for you..of course unless you have the time and know the 'procedure' to get it done yourself..

Just from my experience..

i certainly agree.
Crymson;594415 said:
Actually you can register your new number to your old car. You just need to transfer the old plate number to another vehicle (bike or car or lorry or bus) and register the new number to your car. My friend just transfered out his old plate 'JFK' to 'G1M' to his E36ci.
somehow u need another unregistered vehicle for that?
Yes, one of the vehicles must be unregistered model.
that's why i said opting for swapping with a motorbike is the cheapest... can get a new bike for rm3k
Got my bike for rm 2700 plus road tax and 1 year insurance....hehehehehe
the thing is you should make a trip to perlis at least once. this is because you will be parting with your original car reg card and road tax for at least a full working day while pending the change of new reg card and road tax. unless you can trust the person handling your documents, it may be better to be close by.

you could walk in to any motorbike shop there in perlis and either buy a new bike (cheapest is china bike, rm2k++ on the road, not inclusive of interchange fee) or throw your old number to a new bike and not buy (but still pay a compensation totaling about rm1k to the motorbike shop).
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