Convoy to Kuala Selangor

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grand finale, those who didnt turn up fer the convoy .... dis may appear to b a major stomach torment k.rgds, B)kahar abdullah
Originally posted by kahar@Dec 15 2004, 11:02 AM grand finale, those who didnt turn up fer the convoy .... dis may appear to b a major stomach torment k.rgds, B)kahar abdullah
The crab dish is missing la bro ...kekeke
owh yes, but then gain im not surprised cos i rmber it wuz u n 2cents who whacked em crabs all , both u full of craps rmber, heh :Drgds, B)kahar abdullah
Ooopppss ... hope I'm not too late to say something here. This was my first ever convoy to anywhere with the club. Had a GREAT time.Many thanks to my driver who did not drive too fast .. heh.. though I think it was more for his car's benefit than mine ... kekeke ...! But thanks again! It was a good drive!Kahar: Oit bang! lain kali kalau dah tak leh nak bawak tu, tak yah ler nak advertise besar-besar kat forum ... I malu tau .... ^_^ So when's the next convoy lar ...... :DP.S. Oh, just to add that I was REALLY impressed by the shine on three28 and DD's cars!
Next convoy is 2 week from now.Check the other thread, its already up :)
Originally posted by kahar@Dec 15 2004, 11:37 AM owh yes, but then gain im not surprised cos i rmber it wuz u n 2cents who whacked em crabs all , both u full of craps rmber, heh :Drgds, B)kahar abdullah
Nuthing much to whack oso la bro, the crab was full of crap...not much isi... :D
we had a night convoy to KS a couple of years back - fireflies visit and of course the riverview dinner :D the food is good B) p/s: nick! bugger, you're on this trip too! hehehe
Originally posted by kahar@Dec 15 2004, 11:37 AM owh yes, but then gain im not surprised cos i rmber it wuz u n 2cents who whacked em crabs all , both u full of craps rmber, heh :Drgds, B)kahar abdullah
Whaaat? I's jes doin' my bit to finish d enormous amount food. Can't let it go 2 waste can we? Man, if u guys hadn't eaten like panty-waists but at least tried 2 help 2 finish mor, we wouldn't hafta suffer puttin' on so much weight. :lol:
Yeah, the kaki pukul puchong can makan...still in growing up phase kekeke.
next time i wld suggest if kennot finish we feed the belukangs off the jetty! hehe :D :Drgds, B)kahar abdullah
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