BMWCM - AGM 2007 Photos

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Don Franco

Club Guest
Jan 24, 2007
Our 2007 Annual General Meeting. A warm appreciation to Sapura Auto for kindly providing us the venue.
jarance;265564 said:
where is the pictures of the table and chairs flying?

haiya jarance where got all those thing happens maaaaaaaaahhhhhh maybe next year yes kot ???????????? hehehehee

thx sapura auto for nearly racun me to buy the small bimmer for my son cost RM600 pheeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww
Bailey;265578 said:
haiya jarance where got all those thing happens maaaaaaaaahhhhhh maybe next year yes kot ???????????? hehehehee

thx sapura auto for nearly racun me to buy the small bimmer for my son cost RM600 pheeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww

ooppss... sorry wrong AGM.. :wink:

yeah.. Thank to Sapura Auto :rock: :rock: :rock:
mr don where's the photo yg ramai2 tu , i bet sure many more to come rite sir don?
Trying to put the rest up bro, but don't know why cant load it up, takaing a long long time..
The committee.. ( not all as others were busy with the registration)

and a group photo of all members who showed up for the AGM '07

The committee members are all in the front row, except for the last guy on the right! :cool: (sith went missing)

Thats all the photos that were taken during the AGM, as for photos of the brand new UDMs at Sapura Auto.. come and pay them a personal visit for an an experience!
cheers mr don corleon franco u r the man dude veli the nice one :rock:
good job Donnie!!..Me look good man!!..hehehehe
ICEman63;265701 said:
Donnie want somemore picture's lah not enuf

next time dont simply urinate people lah by simply putting down yr name for the sake of participating KONON but then FFK people :thefinger:
Why so dark ahhh or my monitor cipet, anyway thanks DON for a good job for all the pictures. We all carry only HP cameras.
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