Site & Forums' Rules & Policies

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2009
Forum Rules

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' checkbox and press the 'Proceed...' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index.
Standard registration to is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' checkbox and press the 'Register' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index.


BMW Club Malaysia

The BMW Club Malaysia is an automotive club registered with the Registrar of Societies in Malaysia. The BMW Club Malaysia Forum is a service offered by BMW Club Malaysia to benefit our club members and to promote the greater BMW Community. The duly elected Committee of the BMW Club Malaysia reserves the right to make decisions about the BMW Club Malaysia Forum in accordance with this aim as they see fit.


The BMW Club Malaysia, host, Administrators, Moderators nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) are not responsible for any information on The BMW Club Malaysia Forum that may cause you harm, your vehicle harm, or anyone else any harm. You use all information gathered on The BMW Club Malaysia Forum at your own risk. Please use discretion in your use of information gathered from any source but in particular Internet forums. Research the people you are getting the information from and see if the person appears to have merit in the topic the information is on. The same rules apply to making purchases and sales on the BMW Club Malaysia Forum.

Privacy Rules:

You may not collect any email addresses from this web site to use to promote other web sites. We will NEVER sell or give away any email personal information, email address or IP address, unless requested by law enforcement.

Before Posting Anything: Read

Before starting a topic or asking a question, check the forums first to see if your question or the topic wasn't asked or posted before (other forum member(s) may have had the same problem or may have had the answer to your problem).

You will have a better chance of getting the answer you are looking for if you post in the correct section. Only post in the forum that matches your topic.

Make use of the search function if you are unsure about where to post. The search feature is self-explanatory, so with a bit of practice you will quickly find what you want.

Please Introduce Yourself

Upon registration, you should introduce yourself in the newbie section. Please do not make a post without doing this first. Failure to introduce yourself is akin to barging into one's home uninvited.

No Illegal Links
  • Do not post, request or link to keys, keygens, cracks, warez/illegal software sites, crack search engines, ftp sites, torrents (including indirect links) or magnet links.
  • Also, NO Illegal links in signature!
  • Apart from this BMW Club Malaysia reserves the right to remove any link in any post deemed unsafe or harmful to the members of BMW Club Malaysia.
Note: You can contact the administrators for site link exchanges though.

Signature And Avatar

Avatars and Signatures are given to make your stay nicer, don't abuse it. All signatures should remain within the rules mentioned below. Failing this could lead to removal of the signatures and avatars without prior notice.
  • Images featuring nudity are not allowed.
  • The maximum allowed signature graphic size is 500 x 200 pixels.
  • Usergroup/rank images are not allowed to be used as avatar.
  • Cannot have anything against any religion whatsoever.
  • Shouldn't show any type of bad behavior...which includes belittling other forum members etc...
  • No blatant advertisement of any kind is allowed. BMW Club Malaysia already has display ads to cover the running costs, so don't annoy our members by turning your signature into some sort of fantastic web ad.
  • Before using someone else's avatar/signature in the forum get permission from the user.

Any abusive/bad language seen in usernames will be deleted on sight. Usernames can be changed by contacting an Administrator subject to certain conditions.

The Administrators and Committee hold the right to grant the username change as per their own free wish. They also reserve to change the username with a notification if the username is found to be offensive.

Kindly report any sightings of usernames with abusive language to the BMW Club Malaysia Committee.

Private Messages

Offensive or threatening Private Messages (PM) are also frowned upon and action will be taken if the system is abused. Please feel free to forward all such PM's to any of the Committee members.

Do not PM the Administrators or Moderators with questions that can be asked in the forums. Post your questions in the appropriate forum section; you’ll get a much quicker answer that way.

Failure to respond to an official PM by a BMW Club Malaysia Administrator, Committee member or Moderator may result in suspension of posting rights until such response is received.

Be Specific

Do not use vague words in your topic (topics such as "help me" are often ignored by other members, members are more likely to view a thread if the topic is more definitive and to the point).

Any new thread must have a title with relevant information to the topic you want to discuss (the name of a thread is just like the headline in a newspaper; it helps you to select threads personally relevant for you).

Thread titles like 'looking for...' 'WTF', 'please read' or 'what's your opinion' and thread titles that use shock value or any other attempt to get extra attention should be avoided.


Violation of these rules can be grounds for IMMEDIATE banning of your account!
  • No spamming and trolling of the forums.
  • No flaming or aggressive behavior towards other members to incite or perpetuate a conflict or argument. Any personal attacks or name-calling will get you on probation, if not banned.
  • No systematic foul language (and none at all on titles).
  • Members at this forum represent communities from all around the country. Deliberate and/or malicious "race bashing" will result in an immediate ban.
  • Political propaganda will not be tolerated. This is after all, a CAR CLUB. Remember that.
  • Please don't start any post/thread bashing any religion. You will be banned so quick It’ll make your head spin.
  • Making pointless posts in order to push up your post count is not acceptable.
  • No linking or posting of pornographic or objectionable material.
  • Posting of material of a sexual nature involving minors will result in an immediate ban and the poster reported to the relevant Authorities. This is not a joke.
  • Do not impersonate other individuals or falsely represent yourself.
  • Do not discuss, suggest, engage, or encourage any illegal activity on the forums. Do not place BMW Club Malaysia in the position of being perceived as condoning any illegal activity. This includes the breaking of traffic laws.
  • Posting under secondary usernames or alias user names other than your main account for the purpose of arguing, degrading or belittling other members is grounds for having your posting privileges revoked. Having more than one account is grounds for immediate banning.
You must have a valid e-mail account in your profile so a forum moderator or administrator can reach you.

Ancillary Rules:

These are to help you (and others) have an enjoyable experience here. Violation of these rules is grounds for a warning and/or a suspension.
  • No swearing in subject lines or signatures. There are other ways to express yourself than with profanity and it looks far more respectable.
  • No SHOUTING. Don't use all caps when posting. It is difficult to read and very annoying.
  • No full posts in 1337 sp34k, lolspeak, SMS style abbreviations or Bahasa Kampung allowed.
  • Make your posts in the most appropriate section of the forum. We can’t stress this enough.
  • No cross posting. There is no need to post the same thing in multiple sections of the forum.
  • If you are the recipient of a personal attack or are offended by the content of a post please do not reply in kind, “he/she started it” is not a valid defense and is very childish. In situations like this please report the post to the moderators using the “report this post” link. A moderator will then review the post and make a decision on what action, if any, is to be taken.
  • All posts are the property and responsibility of the poster, the forum moderators and administrators have no obligation to monitor any posts, however BMW Club Malaysia reserves the right to edit, refuse to post or to remove any information and/or materials (in whole or in part) that in its discretion considers objectionable or in violation of any applicable law or the Conditions of Use.

Forum Specific Rules

Tech Section
  • All replies made by members in the tech section which are not in anyway related to the topic will be deleted.
  • If the reply does not answer the question put forward by someone it will be deleted.
  • If the reply is not about the topic it will be deleted.
  • Contact number should not be posted, if so it may be removed.
  • Nonsense replies will also be deleted and hijacked replies will also be deleted.
  • Criticism on the topics will not be tolerated, hence the reply will be deleted.
  • Replies which only contain smileys or 1 liners will be deleted.
All in all, keep your fingers to yourself unless you have something useful to say.

Personal Sales Posting

We allow individuals to post their own personal items for sale on the BMW Club Malaysia Forum. Abuse of the classified section of the BMW Club Malaysia forum is not appreciated as this is a service offered by the BMW Club Malaysia to allow our members to easily sell and buy car parts. The classified section of the BMW Club Malaysia forum is not provided simply to give anyone who wants it a free classified service. This behavior is grounds for probation and if necessary banning. Note that there is a current 8 post minimum before posting in the classifieds is allowed. Posting items for sale anywhere else in the forum may result in your post being removed.

You must be legally able to sell the item you posted for sale. Your items listed and your activities on the Site shall not:-

(1) be false, inaccurate or misleading; (be fraudulent or involve the sale of counterfeit or stolen items;
(2) infringe any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy;
(c) violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation (including, but not limited to, those governing export control, consumer protection, unfair competition, anti discrimination or false advertising);
(d) be defamatory, trade libelous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing;

We may limit your activity, immediately remove/delete your item listings, warn our community of your actions, issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend or terminate your membership and refuse usage to our forum to you if you are found to abuse the community forum as per the rules listed above.

In addition to the above, this forum DOES NOT encourage dealers, agents and special interest groups to post their products for sale in this community forum. Items for sale posted in this forum are meant for private dealings amongst members. With that members are also advised to remove any URL links to any specific companies dealing/trading/selling vehicle parts especially if the member him/herself is involved.

Moderator Decisions

Moderator decisions are final. Starting polls or topics arguing against admin/mod decisions will not get a decision overturned, it will however get you banned and such poll or thread deleted.

Finally, registration to this forum is free! We do however insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed above. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' check-box and press the 'Register' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click [here] to return to the forums index. BMW Club Malaysia reserves the right to modify these rules as and when necessary.

The Managing Committee reserves the rights to change from time to time the above forum rules and policies.
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