BMW CLUB Drive to Singapore with Visit to F1 Paddock

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hahhah...this one got v v good future to be call man. the way he holds the walkie, the samseng face and size.... :D

Macha Climenta trying to smuggle chewing gum across the border. More valuable than DVDs....hahaha....
We smuggled all kinds.. all went thru except a bottle of pepper spray and a pack of unopened ciggy.. :( kns!
astroboy;451175 said:
We smuggled all kinds.. all went thru except a bottle of pepper spray and a pack of unopened ciggy.. :( kns!

The ciggy should be a breeze lah. When stop at R&R, just open the ciggy and throw 1 ciggy into the trash.

BTW, why would anyone want to take in pepper spray in Spore?:stupid:

chewing gums is more profitable.:top:
I'm guessing this is where all the pictures go. Hope you guys don't mind being linked to a Facebook album. =p
PS. Early apologies for the excessive pictures of my own vehicle. >
ramsing;451073 said:
hahhah...this one got v v good future to be call man. the way he holds the walkie, the samseng face and size.... :D


Looks like a tow truck driver from MRR2...

Sounds like a tow truck driver from MRR2...

Hehehe... Caaabbuuttzzzzzzzzz....

Miss all the bantering with me mates back at our Ampang TT...

Heard about your little battery mishap... Hope all is OK bro...
here are some from me...

princess fiona... hehe...

boys behaving badly...

sweet couple...

dunno wot he shooting... ler...

looking at f1 photoshots... or trying to be nice to princess fiona?

this is how you know its the sg f1...

group photo...

car shots:


Here are some of my novice shots...

Organized chaos in Sg Besi

This car is not patriotic enough

Time to put on my superhero outfit

I want to GO already!!!

Parking on the grid

Lining up to start!!

Ooops! Pit lane is closed. Later sure kena drive through penalty...

No wonder Pit Lane is closed... someone parked a huge crane there...

Ah.. podium memories... you know in the old days we.....

OMG!! Is that....

Turn 1 - Hot car, hot photographer, hot camera, hot track, hot weather... what more can you ask for?

Turn 1 traffic jam or... all the back markers.. :vroam:

Van1ty immortalizing the Turn 1 traffic jam

I am Astroboy! See me jump! Hee yaahhhh!!

Oh-oh.. I think I pulled something!
Haha, good shots & comments Traveller. BTW, what kinda camera are you using? Didn't see you holding one of those photog machines:)
climenta;451562 said:
Haha, good shots & comments Traveller. BTW, what kinda camera are you using? Didn't see you holding one of those photog machines:)

he use hidden camera lah macha...
climenta;451562 said:
Haha, good shots & comments Traveller. BTW, what kinda camera are you using? Didn't see you holding one of those photog machines:)

Nikon D-90, with the standard kit lens. Still learning to use it. Most of the time the camera was in the bag... only took it out for the initial start at Sg Besi and the paddock visit.
some photos from me...

At the meet up, a short briefing by the President, yes, Pussy was there too!

all ready to go...

But one group photo before we leave...

Then a short break to chill out, some photos of our convoy members...

Nasi Lemak must have been yummy by the looks of it!

The C.E.O. himself!

At Gelang Patah , a break for lunch and picked up InitialM..

Racing into Singapore!

Finally at the hotel, awaiting the car lift to go up from Basement 1 to Level 4 :)
After checking in, we were at the poolside for the lucky draw, the cocktail reception was courtesy of the Golden Landmark Hotel.

Eagerly awaiting for the lucky draw..
And the winner is.. consolation winners , got a 2nd goodie bag! Al Bundy got one too!! ;)

astroboy not lookin so thrilled...

I won 2 pieces of Eagle F1 Asymmetric tyres! ;)

Climenta and others won T shirts

Winners of a foldable fabric chair

Grand Prize winners got the BMW Driver Training


Mrs Astroboy
John J manyak hensem!

Thani time! :D xtracooljustin was there too!
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