BMW CLUB Drive to Singapore with Visit to F1 Paddock

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Club Guest
Dec 3, 2004
Post your photos & videos here!Let me kick things off. I did not join the convoy on Saturday morning, and when I left PJ, this is what my Garmin GPS told me :
Is that a sign or what? Anyway, there was heavy traffic in Malacca due to an accident but that's the only spot that slowed down my journey.
Sunday afternoon there was a gathering at Kallang stadium carpark. I will leave others to post up the photos of the supercars, here is my favourite car of the day :



535@izam just mentioned this. Heard it was a good un.
Thx, more pic please.

That classic is a beau. What engine is that, it's a 4 pot but does not look familiar.

And how does the owner up keep even the sticker to like new condition?

I've heard that in the US the Delorian (back to the future car) car club people keep their car everything (yes, even sticker) to pristine ORIGINAL condition. To the extent that some drained off the battery fluid after each car show... original battery since day 1.
viewfinder;450491 said:
Thx, more pic please.

That classic is a beau. What engine is that, it's a 4 pot but does not look familiar.

And how does the owner up keep even the sticker to like new condition?

I've heard that in the US the Delorian (back to the future car) car club people keep their car everything (yes, even sticker) to pristine ORIGINAL condition. To the extent that some drained off the battery fluid after each car show... original battery since day 1.

I was at the meetup. The engine is very unfamiliar as well but i believe its the M10.
did you guys noticed bundy is giving a taxi ride to a pretty girl?now i know why he wanna buy M///...
Just to share a few photos from my end........

Ampang "tai kor" selling DVDs along Tuas highway?


PLUS flew XXX to Pagoh Rest Area.......

Just to sweep the leaves........
chili e30;450904 said:
did you guys noticed bundy is giving a taxi ride to a pretty girl?now i know why he wanna buy M///...

Yes, that one is his ex GF..:listen:
Jerman;450920 said:
Just to share a few photos from my end........

Just to sweep the leaves........

This is what you get when you try to smuggle adult toys into Spore. :listen:
A few more photos from me, trying some arty farty stuff.........

BMW photogs caught in action :

Chief photog

The don

Celebrity spotted???
Line up after turn 1


The eery feelin of an empty pit, or the calm before the storm?


The White Phoenix and the Singapore Flyer

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