A Reminder: Why we should work hard!

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Thank you so much for sharing bro....All we mere mortals can do is watch and drool je la.Jay Leno is a world renowned collector of not only cars but bikes as well.I think he is a better collector than a comedian though.

What business ah?

Drugs= X
Smuggling= X
Pirated DVDs= X
hmmm yeah good point, but i think there's built in drainage at the tepi...10 out of 10 for coolness tho, they can even build a passage to the lower level from your house! :top:
nice garages....but one pic is from the movie Ferris Bueller...I wont forget that red ferrari :top:
shyful313;469979 said:
Jual dadah takpe..kalau jual belacan kena cakap bisik2..nanti kena tangkap..:wink:

haha...cerita p.ramlee ali baba bujang lapok..
Hi Kevster, nice pics !!
Just FYI that that one pic that u labelled ' somewhere in Japan' is actually in the USA.... that is a scene from the 80's movie ' Ferris Bueller's day off'---- gr8 show !!
yoman1979;481829 said:
Hi Kevster, nice pics !!
Just FYI that that one pic that u labelled ' somewhere in Japan' is actually in the USA.... that is a scene from the 80's movie ' Ferris Bueller's day off'---- gr8 show !!

mia sara right..? :wink:
now lets see some pictures of malaysian ones. i hear there are some pretty full garages in town too....

F.decorate(_ge('photo_notes'), F._photo_notes).notes_go_go_go(4306027250, 'http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4002/4306027250_48ccbc27d5_t.jpg', '3.1444');
My humble garage...my feel good factor..he he..
Now this is some garage :top:

From someone who has only two cars in his garage...

kev n others - thanks for sharing..
Wonder anyone of us manage to snap our royalties car collection..or sultan of Brunei perhaps..

Btw, in the pics where the red classic ferrari (i think the 250GTO- in the Japanase house)- if i am not mistaken, it was from a movie, starring Mathew broderick..i remember how the ferrari went straight and crash the glass wall.. hmm wonder what is the title of the movie, a comedy one..
of course la, all cars no number plates, must be unregistered illegal imports from Japan, cheap cheap mah hehehehe

I would take a pic of my own "fleet" but most of it scattered across mechanic's shop (literally) untill i had to borrow one car from a friend hehehehhee

Needless to say, i only have 1 parking spot at my condo hehhehe

Welcome to average Joe's garage :elefant:
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