2011 Ultimate 5-Series Drive - Route: KL-Raub-Cameron-KL - Date: 17th April 2011

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Ultimate 5-Series Owners Drive

Date : 17th April 2011 (Sunday)

Time : 6.30am - 7.00am Meet Up & Participants Safety Briefing (at BHP Petrol station Karak Highway after Gombak toll)

7.00am - 7.30am Progressive Convoy Groups Start
8.30am - 9.00am Short Breakfast in Raub
9.00am - 9.30am Continuing Journey
11.30am - 12.00pm Arrive in Ringlet
12.00pm - 2.00pm Lunch and Lepaking

Depending on majority we will decide our descent from Ringlet to Tapah after lunch.

Route : BHP Karak Highway (After Gombak Toll) - Bentong - Raub - Sg. Koyan - Ringlet - Tapah - KL
Total Distance : Approx 400km

For those who like to participate please put your name and your 5-series development code below;

01. XXX - E39 [lead car]
02. t2ribena - E39 [sweeper]
03. Herbert - E39
04. bmw7833 - E39
05. xstatic - E39 (tentative)
06. Jerman - E60
07. Harbhajan - E39
08. kokwei9035 - E39
09. nitedevil - E39
10. haifuddin70 - E39
11. JYazid - E39
12. Zank - E39/E28
13. TI-tan - F10
14. QC55 - E34
15. dzuljazz2001 - E60
16. morpheus5039 - E34
17. enkil - E39
18. ay39 - E39

Model Count: E28 - 0 / E34 - 2 / E39 - 13 / E60 - 2 / F10 - 1

For participants who would like to stay a night in Cameron, please make own accommodation arrangements. Thanks

Staying a nite

1. Herbert

Drive goody bag sponsored by


For OM please wear your club shirt...TQ

Last Update.

See you guys tomorrow morning...
Welcome to Cameron Highlands folks. Saw the convoy in Tanah Rata earlier. Its a very hot day here today.

Go..go..Go........ Sorry guys cant make it all the way. Awesome drive! Go kejar the 3 silis hehhehehe...
We are glad that everybody enjoyed the drive...quite a handful to manage such a big group and fast cars as well as fast drivers most importantly...

I on behalf of XXX, Lamoo and UDM68 would like to thank you all for participating and all the cooperation rendered before, during and after the drive...without all the participants such enjoyable drive would not happen...

Thank you to the generous sponsors too, Continental & GSK for the goody (Umbrella, Cap, Ribena and Horlicks)...
congrats to the organizer..i am sure you all have fun throughout the journey..
cant wait for the pics though !

p/s : sorry i am unable to join you guys.
chief;627616 said:
Welcome to Cameron Highlands folks. Saw the convoy in Tanah Rata earlier. Its a very hot day here today.


Hot day?? I wet like dog and cat ler when i went to Kea Pasar.

No chance to walk and relax la..
A Big Thank to Everyone who attended this Drive. Hope u all had fun and joy in driving your UDM.

Thanks also to the Ipoh mali gang who meet us at Century Pines.

A big hand to our Sponsors Continental for umbrellas and caps and GSK (Jerman) for Ribena and u know who for Maltese (horlicks) hehe

A big thank to Brader Harbahjan who arrange our delicious breakfast in Ruab and Brader (NCBM) who arrange for our Lunch in Tanah Rata Century Pines

Lastly a very big thank for those who signup but did not turn up to allow those who did not signup but turn up at the last minute for the drive to take their place.


Hope everyone enjoyed themselves and apologies for any short comings if any.
t2ribena;627699 said:
We are glad that everybody enjoyed the drive...quite a handful to manage such a big group and fast cars as well as fast drivers most importantly...

I on behalf of XXX, Lamoo and UDM68 would like to thank you all for participating and all the cooperation rendered before, during and after the drive...without all the participants such enjoyable drive would not happen...
Thank you to the generous sponsors too, Continental & GSK for the goody (Umbrella, Cap, Ribena and Horlicks)...


Really appreciate all the efforts in making this drive a success!
To XXX, my doc say will hold you responsible if my stend drop from my heart cause you take me for bouncy ride. Hahahaha
To each & every organizer, road marshals, thanks for the efforts taken to ensure this to be an incident free and safe drives.
Well done !!!
Group Picture 1 - Raub


Group Picture 2 - The participants at Century Pine Hotel Entrance


Group Picture 3 - Century Pine Hotel Entrance

BMWs;627979 said:
They might be transvestites. You'll never know. :) Try to look for adam and see.

Jeng jeng jeng. The plot thickens..

Doc, better double check! :p
BMWs;627979 said:
They might be transvestites. You'll never know. :) Try to look for adam and see.

WTF, I tried looking for the Adam and saw only the nipples.
They are real girls..I think!! Transversites look tall and too pretty...they come across just nicely feminine.
it would be great if all the car reg is blank out to protect owners privacy...lets practice this for all drive photos posted in the forum...

looks like apart from the M cars.... the 5 silis drive was marshalled by the 3 silis....

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